Technical Services | IRIIS, LLC
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IRIIS Technical Services

IRIIS has the most experienced technical team in the industry to help with design and equipment selection. Getting the initial vessel design right reduces the delivery cost by speeding up delivery, and increases profit by reducing downtime. Some of the goals IRIIS can help with include:
    • Enhancement of well construction efficiency by optimizing workflow
    • Election of position reference systems for DP vessels to reduce or eliminate loss of location due to loss of position reference systems
    • Avoidance of common mode software liability by specifying signal and equipment diversity
    • Improve safety and convenience of bulk transfer through careful design of loading stations
    • Specification of power plant and distribution to simplify operations, reduce possible faults, and Achieve a more robust plant at lower cost
    Design for maximum reliability instead of minimum redundancy
    • Maximize blackout resistance and minimize blackout recovery time
    • Optimize BOP handling, testing, and service
During construction, IRIIS can provide valuable services to keep projects on track and avoid problems. The following are some of the services IRIIS can provide:
    • track progress
    • assure that installation and testing meets regulatory, class, and operational needs,
    • shorten or streamline sea trials by assuring that equipment works properly
    • monitor or manage software installation and testing
    • manage and test interfaces between DP, Power Management, Drilling and BOPs, so that sea trials only requires functional testing, not program development
    • test and optimize blackout resistance blackout recovery
    • review the FMEA and the proposed test program, to make sure that Sea Trial tests verify reliability as well as the FMEA goal, prove redundancy
IRIIS can provide dedicated, highly experienced personnel to take ownership in your projects to help plan, oversee, commission and witness final acceptance of your next job. Whether new construction or refurbishment, our inspectors have extensive rig operating and maintenance experience. We routinely work with manufacturers, shipyards and field service companies to ensure that equipment is of the high standard you expect and is fit-for-purpose.  Our dedicated professionals will work with you to ensure the level of management provided fits your needs. Some of the services we offer include:
    • Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
    • Site Integration Testing (SIT)
    • Commissioning documentation preparation
    • Pre-commissioning review
    • Commissioning oversight
    • Fit-for-purpose and final acceptance evaluations
    • Drilling acceptance

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